Putting Cards In Guestbooks

How to leave a Calling Card
in a GuestBook

Since I'm new at writing Tutorials-
please hang in there with me. Doing this and
explaining it, is quite different. Heheheehee

First view the GuestBook to make sure that it
will accept HTML. If there are images in the
guestbook, you'll know that it will accept
them. You can now have fun placing gifts in
the guestbook too. If not, no problem. Just
send them to the person thru e- mail
and let them put it on their pages.

Doing this is much better than dropping
one in and finding out after,
that all you see is an html code and no
images. How embarrassing!!
We can't remove the code. The guestbook
owner has to do that.So please check
before you do try to put one in.

Your graphic must be uploaded to your
site.You must make sure that the site you
are using allows linking to graphics.
Most of mine don't, so I use my sons
personal domain to store all my cards
and gifts. You need to make sure that
the provider allows "remote loading".

After you upload the graphic to your site
that allows "remote loading, click on it
in your File Manager to display it.
Look at the address bar at the top of
your screen that shows the URL.
Copy and paste that address into a
text file in any text program you have.
I use Notepad for this. Then I can just
copy and paste it into the guestbook and
just change the image. This makes it easier
leave a gift in a GuestBook and you'll know
that the html will be correct at all times.
I have the codes all typed out in Notepad
for each group that I belong to. I use
mostly 3 images, the group image, my
personal image and a quill that spells out
my name. I link my personal one
back to the site that I signed up for the
ring with, the group one is linked back
to the group addy.

This is how I type mine out: In the comment
section, I leave a little welcoming note
something like this:

Welcome to the Ladies Of The Lake!
I'm sure you will just love being part
of such a great and loving group of people.
If you need any help, at any time,
feel free to ask, for there is always someone
to help you.(hit enter here (twice) to space
from the paragraph before inserting html.)

(center) (a href="http://www.themagickcorner.net/webring.htm")
(a href="http://www.dreadstorm.com/Mom/ccwelc4.jpg" border="0")(/A)

(a href="http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/empiriana/63") (a href="http://www.dreadstorm.com/Mom/thankyou2.jpg" border="0")(/A)

(a href="http://www.dreadstorm.com/Mom/nansquill.jpg" border="0")

(marquee)Stop by and check out my home sometime.
The door is open!!(/marquee)(/center)

Where you see the (perenthesis), change them to brackets (left and right carrot)
to form the link.

1..The first card is linked back to the group.
2..The second one (my personal or celebration
one, is linked back to my site.
3..The third one is just an animated
image, so it's not linked anywhere.

You can type any message that appeals or suits you.
I hope this is easy enough for you to understand and
that it helps you to put calling cards into a GuestBook!
Wallah!! Another lesson learned.

~®Lady Almighty Sorceress, 2001©~

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